Over the past few weeks, we have discussed several
themes surrounding ideas of modernism, postmodernism, ideology, imagination, space,
and utopias. For this first major
assignment, students will compose an essay in which they explore some of the
ideas we have been discussing in class, respond to them, and explain why they respond
to them as they do.
To begin this essay, students will go back to their
blog comments, the blog comments of their peers, and their class notes and
explore some of the major issues that have arisen from our discussions, both
online and face-to-face. You will want to
explore your own comments and trace the themes, questions, ideas, and issues
that interest you the most. Take notes
in a way that seems useful to you, making sure to underline and keep track of
important ideas from your own writing, your peers’ writing, and the published
writers we have read and discussed in class.
Use past writing as a way to begin this essay and expand upon ideas you
have explored in previous blogs.
In developing a focus for your essay, you may want
to draw upon my questions on the blog as a starting point for writing, but
remember that this essay assignment is ultimately about pursuing your own
critical questions and engaging your own interests and ideas. Regardless of the scope of your essay, you
must bring the writers we have been exploring in this course into some sort of “conversation,”
meaning that I expect you to draw from several authors in order to bring
complexity, nuance, and support to your own ideas.
To help you develop your essay, students will post a
rough draft of their essay to the course blog by Tuesday at 5:00 pm. Before class on Friday, students will read
through all of their peers’ essays and write a 100-250 word response and
assessment for revision to each of their peers’ papers. Do not write this assessment on the blog, but
bring your assessment to class for discussion. Also, bring copies of your peers' essays by either printing them out or having access to them on a laptop or tablet.